Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015


I dream a big dreams. I dream and still sleeping to make it come true. I got the golden ticket, a permission from my heroes.  They let me flying to the highest. They let me reach those dreams. They ikhlas when I be not arround them for couple years.

And, so blessed I am, a spirit, not only come from them, but also come from people surround me. Even they are not directly support me, but they already give an example. They did so well, then good things just came. So, those lesson I still keep in my mind, my heart, and I make it as quote of me ^^

I dont know what is Allah's plan. But I believe He make the best for me. The atmosphere arround me are completely good to reach my dream. But we live in people thought, I just take it easy. Leave it to behind and pretend not hear even a word. They not support our live, why we always listen to them. Just be pretend, trust me :)

So, once again. Live your best life, like my besties said. Dream your bigest dream. Sometime unpredictable thing just come yo us began with a dream, my lecture said (Widi, 2002). Oiya, she is one of my best lecture who support me and really really support me for taking course at same univ. I'd like to thanks to Allah, may we always have favor and He add it more often.

Good night.
Have nice and big dreams!


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